Sunday, December 27, 2009

Can a small amount of blood on an inanimate object transmit Hep B?

Can a small amount of blood on an inanimate object transmit Hep B?Can a small amount of blood on an inanimate object transmit Hep B?
Hep B is transmitted through blood and body fluids. The ways in which it can be transmitted are direct blood-to-blood contact, unprotected sex, unsterile needles, from an infected mother to her baby during childbirth, from tattooing, body piercing or acupuncture with infected needles, razors, toothbrushes, earrings or other personal items that may come in contact with blood. It's hep A that's transmitted through the fecal-oral route.

The hep B virus can live up to 4 days in the blood on an inanimate object.Can a small amount of blood on an inanimate object transmit Hep B?
hep B is not blood borne, hep C is. hep B is contracted thru the fecal oral route (when people don't wash their hands, then handle your food)
if it gets wet, and is already contaminated, there's every possibilty.
yes absolutely. that's why sterilization is so important

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